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Abstract art of a human face and a burd facing each other

Program follow up

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General Information

Do I feel less stressed?No benefitNo benefitNo benefitGreat benefitGreat benefitDo I feel less stressed?

Thanks for submitting!

Intake preferred time
Abstract Art

No benefit

Great benefit

Do you feel less stressed?

Do you have any addiction? (substance or behaviour)

Well - Being

Abstract Art

Connection and Perception

Did you experience any negative effect during the program? (choose one or many options)
Did it help me to overcome depression?No benefitNo benefitNo benefitGreat benefitGreat benefitDid it help me to overcome depression?
Did it helped me to feel less anxiety?No benefitNo benefitNo benefitGreat benefitGreat benefitDid it helped me to feel less anxiety?
Do I have more contact with my emotions and more clarity about them?No benefitNo benefitNo benefitGreat benefitGreat benefitDo I have more contact with my emotions and more clarity about them?
If the answer is YES, has the treatment helped me in some way to treat it?No benefitNo benefitNo benefitGreat benefitGreat benefitIf the answer is YES, has the treatment helped me in some way to treat it?

No benefit

Great benefit

If the answer is YES, has the treatment helped me in some way to treat it?

Do you notice an improvement in my self observation capacity?No benefitNo benefitNo benefitGreat benefitGreat benefitDo you notice an improvement in my self observation capacity?
Do you feel more capable to experience acceptance and joy?No benefitNo benefitNo benefitGreat benefitGreat benefitDo you feel more capable to experience acceptance and joy?
Do you feel more connected to my creativity?No benefitNo benefitNo benefitGreat benefitGreat benefitDo you feel more connected to my creativity?
Do you observe a better performance in my daily activities?No benefitNo benefitNo benefitGreat benefitGreat benefitDo you observe a better performance in my daily activities?
Have my attention and focus improved during the program?No benefitNo benefitNo benefitGreat benefitGreat benefitHave my attention and focus improved during the program?
Do you feel more energized?No benefitNo benefitNo benefitGreat benefitGreat benefitDo you feel more energized?
Did you experience an improvement in the quality of my sexual energy/libido?No benefitNo benefitNo benefitGreat benefitGreat benefitDid you experience an improvement in the quality of my sexual energy/libido?
Did you experience improvement in my sleep/rest quality?No benefitNo benefitNo benefitGreat benefitGreat benefitDid you experience improvement in my sleep/rest quality?
Did you feel more empathic?No benefitNo benefitNo benefitGreat benefitGreat benefitDid you feel more empathic?
Did you notice an improvement in the quality or intimacy of my personal relationships?No benefitNo benefitNo benefitGreat benefitGreat benefitDid you notice an improvement in the quality or intimacy of my personal relationships?
Did you experience a better sense of unity and interconnectedness with the whole?No benefitNo benefitNo benefitGreat benefitGreat benefitDid you experience a better sense of unity and interconnectedness with the whole?
Did you feel more connected to my sense of meaning and purpose in life?No benefitNo benefitNo benefitGreat benefitGreat benefitDid you feel more connected to my sense of meaning and purpose in life?
Did you notice changes in my sensory or body perception?
Did you notice changes in my time perception?
If you have any meditation practice, did you notice any qualitative change or improvement during the program?


How satisfied are you with the program?No benefitNo benefitGreat benefitNo benefitGreat benefitHow satisfied are you with the program?
Did you use our therapeutic support as part of your treatment?

Did it help me to overcome depression?

No benefit

Great benefit

Did it helped me to feel less anxiety?

No benefit

Great benefit

Do you have more contact with my emotions and more clarity about them?

No benefit

Great benefit

Do you notice an improvement in my self observation capacity?

No benefit

Great benefit

Do you feel more capable to experience acceptance and joy?

No benefit

Great benefit

Do you feel more connected to my creativity?

No benefit

Great benefit

Do you observe a better performance in my daily activities?

No benefit

Great benefit

Have my attention and focus improved during the program?

No benefit

Great benefit

Do you feel more energized?

No benefit

Great benefit

Did you experience an improvement in the quality of my sexual energy/libido?

No benefit

Great benefit

Did you experience improvement in my sleep/rest quality?

No benefit

Great benefit

Did you feel more empathic?

No benefit

Great benefit

Did you notice an improvement in the quality or intimacy of my personal relationships?

No benefit

Great benefit

Did you experience a better sense of unity and interconnectedness with the whole?

No benefit

Great benefit

Did you feel more connected to my sense of meaning and purpose in life?

No benefit

Great benefit

How satisfied are you with the program?

No benefit

Great benefit

How much freedom do you generally feel?Trapped Trapped Moderate Very freeVery freeHow much freedom do you generally feel?
How much possibility does life have to offer? None None Limited LimitedInfiniteHow much possibility does life have to offer?
How easy is it to be flexible and change course?Very DifficultVery DifficultModerate Very easyVery easyHow easy is it to be flexible and change course?
How controlling do you need to be to feel safe?Very controllingVery controllingModerate Very TrustingVery TrustingHow controlling do you need to be to feel safe?
How connected do you feel to nature / your environment?Disconnected Disconnected Moderate Very ConnectedVery ConnectedHow connected do you feel to nature / your environment?



How much possibility does life have to offer?



Very free

How much freedom do you generally feel?


Very Difficult

Very easy

How easy is it to be flexible and change course?


Very controlling

Very Trusting

How controlling do you need to be to feel safe?



Very Connected

How connected do you feel to nature / your environment?


How much freedom do you generally feel?Trapped Trapped Moderate Very freeVery freeHow much freedom do you generally feel?


Very free

How much freedom do you generally feel?


How much possibility does life have to offer?None None Limited LimitedInfiniteHow much possibility does life have to offer?



How much possibility does life have to offer?


How easy is it to be flexible and change course?Very DifficultVery DifficultModerate Very easyVery easyHow easy is it to be flexible and change course?

Very Difficult

Very easy

How easy is it to be flexible and change course?


How controlling do you need to be to feel safe?Very controllingVery controllingModerate Very TrustingVery TrustingHow controlling do you need to be to feel safe?

Very controlling

Very Trusting

How controlling do you need to be to feel safe?


How connected do you feel to nature / your environment?Disconnected Disconnected Moderate Very ConnectedVery ConnectedHow connected do you feel to nature / your environment?


Very Connected

How connected do you feel to nature / your environment?


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