Blend Overview
Welcome to our blends. Our proprietary blends are created from a strain comprising 71 different species of fungi. We have used “Sun” and “Moon” as guiding terms to describe the tendencies of these blends. These are not absolutes. In fact we have the very fascinating experience from time to time of seeing an incredible range of relationships between the fungi and us. Fungi is an intelligent being, it will adapt to your system and bring out what needs to be healed in the nervous system and in the psycho-emotional body. This is a dance. Every nervous system is different and every set of circumstances surrounding your personal healing is different. No two dances are the same, no two modes of adaptation of the fungi are the same. The different tendencies of the blends will interact with you in a completely individual way. Our descriptions are a guide, they are not an absolute, and we are here if you have questions!
We are your copilots on this journey. But, and always, you are the medicine, this is a unique experience. This medicine asks us to surrender to a living intelligence that will establish a dialogue with you, and that is yours and yours alone. It's preparing you for a greater level of self-sufficiency - not just for healing but for life!
“Sun” and “Moon” are used to describe the different qualities inherent in our proprietary strains. These are qualitative differences that are expressive of the different personalities of the fungi. Their very personalities are the intelligence that allows them to treat us with such nuance. Such qualities are:
Expansive and extroverted
Emphasizing the masculine aspect: Shiva They reveal dynamic action and the fire within while simultaneously creating a heart-opening effect that stimulates creativity, focus, and greater social ease. This expansiveness has the effect of feeling a profound oneness with the world and seeing nature with a rejuvenated perspective.
Our medical-grade blends are available only through Mycology Psychology. The 71 different strains we use contain top-quality ingredients using only the “fruit” of the mushroom.
Introspective and meditative
Emphasizing the feminine aspect: Shakti The identification with the natural world (commonly identified as the feminine aspect) Self reflective with an inward turn used to become aware of blind spots and old programming. Highlights the relationship to our shadow selves.
50% moon
“Balance Blend” is our favorite blend to get started with. It has the unique ability to reset our serotonin levels and accelerate the growth of new neural pathways or neuroplasticity blazing the brightest possible path to neural rewiring. The ultimate beginning to your healing “Balance” is named as such because it brings us back into an equilibrium of serotonin and dopamine levels. Balance can travel to the root of stuck energies that are causing depression and anxiety, and has the added support of a heart opening strain. The tendency of this blend is to excavate the underlying causes of afflictions. This is the beginning of a larger process of the deepest of personal discoveries. One may also find an increased sensitivity to mother nature and your surrounding environment.
50% sun
The “Expansive” blend disrupts a repetitive dialogue with an inner voice that is no longer serving you. It is a great blend for getting out of too much self analysis or over processing. This blend will help you integrate after a period of internal work and aides in stress management and/or a general sense of depletion. This is a more soothing blend for stress, and anxiety reduction. We highly recommend following a month of protocol using “Balance” with “Expansive.”
30% moon
70% sun
Super Expansive
100% sun
“Super Expansive” opens up your energetic channels and increases the flow of dynamic energy throughout the nervous system. Super Expansive has the unique personality to pull you out of your most narrow small self and place you in a relationship to a deeper sense of connection to your environment. It increases your sensory perceptions and general sensitivity. This is recommended for those who experience depression or suffer from crippling lethargy.
It is an energizing blend creating a general feeling of love, harmony and comprehensive attunement to our world. Super Expansive is also helpful in breaking addictive cycles. It can aid in quitting smoking, drinking, and other addictive behaviors.
25% sun
75% Moon
Flow Blend
“Flow Blend” is ideal for enlivening the spirit with a weightlessness that carries us into that flow state we all know and love. A wondrous creative energy of body and mind is characteristic of “Flow Blend.” The tendency of “Flow Blend” is a feeling of activation while simultaneously creating a sense of vast openness.
100% moon
Enlighten Blend
“Enlighten” blend is in close relationship to “Flow Blend” and we like to consider it the older more seasoned sibling of “Flow.” “Enlighten” blend has a tendency to activate the body while simultaneously opening the heart and mind. “Enlighten” is a close friend to the excavation of inner truth and has the incredible tendency to excavate the depths our feelings while riding the waves of an open freeing sense of euphoria.
50% moon
“Hormone Blend” is a hero of our blends. The tendencies of “Hormone” blend is to respond to heightened symptoms of PMDD, chronically low libido, eating disorders and menopause. Formulated with a specially selected strain to help with balancing hormones in humans of all genders, hormone blend is incredibly supportive of working through challenging physco- biological periods. “Hormone” is also supportive as an aphrodisiac, increasing sex drive, and stamina.
50% sun